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The Hold Of Mysteries On Human Psyche



curiosity is inherent and If you are an avid reader of fantasy,mystery/
thriller books, for most parts your imagination is always a bit on edge. So,it's very normal and natural for some of us to see an abandoned building or a house and instantly think about the kind of history that house must've had once,kind of people lived there and why they left?,did something bad happened that forced them out, or they just wanted a change of scenery and were tired of the place? What kind of dark secrets are etched on those deteriorating walls? Is it more than just an empty house?.
Mysteries are luring like that and humans have an inborn attraction with anything that bewilders them.

Since the dawn of time,from unsolved crimes to prehistoric paradoxes humans have always been compelled by mysteries. Whether it be a gripping novel or a story, a complicated or intricate puzzle, or a real-life enigma,our fascination with the unknown seems fixed. 
But the real question is, why do we find mysteries so alluring?
That's exactly what we are going to discuss here,we will deep dive into the human mind and uncover the reasons behind our never ending attraction to mysteries.

1- The Thrill Of The Unknown:

One of the basic or primary reasons for our attraction towards a good mystery is the immanent thrill it offers.With Each investigation or exploration provides us the kind of uncertainty,suspense,and anticipation that helps us ignite our imagination.

2- Sparking Curiosity :

Curiosity is a built-in feature a human mind possess,it is the only thing that generates creativity,change and personal growth. Mysteries stimulates curiosity by offering us with puzzles and riddles that demands our attention and genius. The desire to know the unknown ,to discover what lies beneath the surface, to connect dots and clues, putting two into two, gives us a sense of accomplishment and ignites our inquisitive nature.

3- Escape from the Humdrum :

Mysteries holds the power to teleport us from the mundane routine of everyday life to realm of intrigue and excitement. Engaging with mysterious stories or by indulging ourselves in an investigation provides us a way to step into the shoes of detectives,even though temporarily but yet it helps us to break free from our own reality. This escapism not only entertain but also provides us with a much-needed rest from our usual worries and schedules.

4- Challenging Beliefs :

Mysteries tend to test general wisdom and make us question our preconceived opinions.They pushes the limit of what we believe to be true,They challenge us to think critically and to consider all the alternatives and perspectives. Providing us with a window into the unknown,mysteries help us to broaden our horizons,to embrace the uncertainty,and to evolve our understanding of the world.

5- Emotional Connection:

Mysteries have a talent of evoking a range of powerful emotions,whether it's a gripping crime thriller movie or a book,or a real-life unsolved crime or a historical event. A mystery has the ability to engage our empathy,anger,fear,and intrigue. We start to invest ourselves emotionally in the characters,and their journeys. This emotional attachment and connection is the driving force,it keeps us hooked until the puzzle is completed.

Concluding it, by saying that,our fascination with mysteries is deep-rooted ,they satisfy our inborn desire for adventure,and the hunger for knowledge. So,next time whenever you find yourself engrossed in solving a mystery,remember that your captivation with the unknown is a natural part of what makes us human.

-what are your opinions on this? please share your view in the comments below.

Samra Khan
Student of Geography Major
1st Year.





  1. Wow you explain very nice about this topic, good👍

  2. Interesting perspective...


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